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UX Designer with a strong background in helping people by creating research-informed and tested, visually pleasing, and engaging user-centered experiences.

Passionate about the human side of technology.

What I do

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View Work

UX Design

See my research, testing, and prototyping skills at work.


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View my collection of digital artwork. Traditional artwork coming soon!

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Play my Game

Game Design

I'm trying my hand at game design by creating my own rail shooter game.

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What I am all about.

As a designer with a background in marketing, art, and programming, my approach blends my creative skillset with my logical instincts to design innovative and effective solutions to complex problems. Thanks for looking at my portfolio!

Kind Words

"Eva is an incredibly versatile designer who jumps into all her work with energy and commitment. It has been remarkable to see how quickly she has been able to grow and develop new skills and drive business results and impact. Eva's partners and teammates love working with her and can not speak enough about her incredibly strong collaboration and partnership."

Stephen Schroth, Enterprise Design Officer at KeyBank

Don't be a stranger.

I'm an active member on LinkedIn! Feel free to connect with me, comment, or message me. I'm excited to hear from you!
Or email me at
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