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Hey Friends

As a lover of video games, I thought I'd introduce you to myself as if I were a video game character!

I was born and raised in the snowy city of Rochester, NY. So naturally, I did a lot of skiing growing up.

One of the first memories I have from the ripe age of 4 years old is when I was begging my dad to let me go skiing with him and my older brother. I've been on the slopes ever since!

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When I'm not skiing, I can be found drawing, painting, watching anime, or playing video games. I'm very much into anything described as 'nerdy' so please feel free to talk to me about anything you're passionate about!
Above are some of my favorite things that I usually carry around with me. I never leave the house without my trusty lip balm! My Nintendo Switch often saves me from boredom in the airport. I've also made a lot of my best friends from bonding over playing games on our Switches together. That's one of the reasons I love gaming so much! 

Speaking of games, I'm also a big fan of the tabletop game Dungeons & Dragons which is why those dice are there. It's such a fun and creative game to play with friends. I also enjoy documenting the things and people around me with my disposable film cameras. Something about film just makes the pictures so special.

As an artist, of course I always carry a pencil or writing utensil of some kind on me! I also am a big sucker for lattes and any kind of coffee really. Gotta stay energized!
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Why UX Design?

I've always been the type of person that loves to use both sides of their brain. I love being creative and expressing my thoughts that way, but that wasn't enough. I am also deeply passionate about problem solving and using the more critical and analytical part of my brain. 

Due to this, I felt a bit lost in college and I didn't know what to focus on. I ended up minoring in both Studio Art and Computer Science, then majored in Marketing Management in hopes to tie it all together.

After graduating from Case Western Reserve University, I found a wonderful job in Marketing at a non-profit in Cleveland called Kinnect. I loved certain aspects of my job, like getting to create beautiful marketing pieces to connect with people and designing content strategy. However, the tech and problem solving was lacking for me. I needed more.

I talked to many professionals in different industries and found out about UX Design and Human Centered Design. I've been searching for something to tie in all of my strengths and passions, it felt like my wishes had been answered.

As a designer with a background in marketing, art, and programming, my approach blends my creative skillset with my logical instincts to design innovative and effective solutions to complex problems. I thrive on looking at things from all angles and love that I get to express my compassion for all types of users. My unique dexterity lies in my ability to adapt easily to anything thrown my way. My understanding and compassionate, combined with my innate curiosity, drives my desire to learn.

Kind Words

"Eva is an incredibly versatile designer who jumps into all her work with energy and commitment. It has been remarkable to see how quickly she has been able to grow and develop new skills and drive business results and impact. Eva's partners and teammates love working with her and can not speak enough about her incredibly strong collaboration and partnership."

Stephen Schroth, Enterprise Design Officer at KeyBank

Don't be a stranger.

I'm an active member on LinkedIn! Feel free to connect with me, comment, or message me. I'm excited to hear from you!
Or email me at
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